Kane Area High School


My Life

In Words and Pictures

Robert A. Chubon


Academic Vita

Playwright & Author

Pitt Article

Memoir: My Unplanned Journey

Autobiography (2010)

Biography of My Parents

Photo History

Email me

University of Pittsburgh
Cathedral of Learning















My Photo Gallery

At the beginning......about 3-4 months At age 6-7 on our not-so-trustworthy pony, Scout Our Family (early 1950s) (left to right)

Brother Dick, Me, sister Sandy, Mom, sister Joyce, Dad

August 1954 (left to right)

Me, sister Sandy, brother Dick, sister Joyce


What will I say if her dad comes to the door?



The first of many reports in the Kane High School
newsletter, the HiLife

Hamot Hospital, Erie, PA

Room 52, December, 1954



Back in bed with a long neck from traction.

  Arrival home from Hamot




Henry Kessler, M.D.

Kessler Institute for Rehabilitation (1956) Mom and me during a short visit in early
 March. Dad took the photo.                                                                               


Home from Kessler

Standing with leg braces




Woodrow Wilson Rehabilitation Center (1950)


A mental health break at WWRC

Working on a rare job at home in Kane, PA



Killing Time


How can I get on?










Tom Hohmann, M.D. me, and Howard
Rusk, M.D. (Pittsburgh, 1963)            


My first term at Pitt (Fall, 1961)



My wife, Sandy, and an ocean side retreat





An example of the first wheelchair I used

I guess I impressed this group of rehab counseling students at Carolina




Cooking has been a necessity and a hobby.





Elementary School

High School Senior (1954)

St. Francis Employee (1970)

November. 2010

The End

















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